
Klik Solutions is SOC 2 and MSPCV Certified!

MSPCV and SOC 2 Certified-1

Klik Solutions is proud to introduce AICPA’s SOC 2 and MSPAlliance’s MSPVC certifications to our portfolio. These new compliance processes will enable us to manage our services and work with clients that have strict system constraints. If you’re not sure what SOC 2 and MSPCV certifications are, don’t fret. We’ll break it down for you.

SOC 2 and MSPCV Certification-1

What is SOC 2 

SOC (Service Organization Controls) reports are a global standard that offers thorough descriptions and affirmations about service organization controls using five service principles – security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. SOC 2 reports have been developed by AICPA to ensure that the systems used by service organizations are processing user data appropriately and confidentially. These reports play a pivotal role in:

  • Organization oversights
  • Vender management programs
  • Internal controls and risk management
  • Confidentiality 
  • Oversight regulations

Managed Service Providers Cloud Verify (MSPCV) 

Have you ever wondered what one of the first certification processes for cloud computing and managed services providers was? Well, MSPCV is it. It is one of the oldest and most sustainable compliance processes designed by MSPAlliance. To top it off, MSPCV has certified providers all over the world. With every certification, thorough documentation is generated. This documentation includes written reports with process descriptions and authentications from third-party attorneys.  

MSPCV is exceptionally effective because it evaluates up to 10 managed services. During this process, we refer to the targeted managed services as objectives. These objectives involve:

  • Governance 
  • Policies and Procedures 
  • Confidentiality and Privacy 
  • Change Management 
  • Service Operations Management 
  • Information Security 
  • Data Management 
  • Physical Security 
  • Billing and Reporting 
  • Corporate Health 

SOC 2 and MSPCV Certificaiton-2

How It Works 

MSPAlliance conducts rigorous readiness assessments and gap analyses with MSPCV audit tests that are personalized to fulfill the needs of each provider’s best practices. Before reaching the client, each compliance document is reviewed and signed by certified auditors.

SOC 2 reports protect the interest of your organization and the confidentiality of your clients by conducting auditing procedures that confirm securely managed service providers and are considered a minimum standard for SaaS organizations.

Here, at Klik Solutions, we firmly believe in being a certified service provider, measuring our service organization efficiency, and providing secure cloud storage. These tasks are not always easy to complete. But by leveraging SOC 2 and MSPCV certification processes, Klik Solutions is the ideal partner to keep your most valuable asset, your data, as secure and protected as possible.

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