
5 Useful Websites from an IT Expert

5 Useful websites blog

Curious to see if your credentials have been leaked? Nostalgic of the good ol’ days of the Internet? Surprisingly there are websites for all of those. With the vastness of the Internet, there will always be a website that will suit your needs. Stanislav Pshebylskyi, a Technical Analyst at Klik Solutions, gives us useful links that you should definitely check out.





1. Have I BeenPwned




Unfortunately, personal data leaks from various online services became quite common. Users typically don’t change their passwords to social media accounts, online banking, and mailbox for years. But once leaked, credentials immediately end up on various Darknet marketplaces. You can quickly check whether you have become a victim of any leak using the Have I BeenPwned. And, please, don’t use the same password for all your accounts.




2. Wiggle.net




Many of you probably have heard about Flightradar24 , the service which allows tracking civil aviation flights in real-time. But few people know about a similar service, which works as a geomap of WiFi networks(wiggle.net ). Each point on this map marks a place where some WiFI network is available. The system is searchable by network name (SSID). And most likely, your home and work networks are represented there too




3. VirusTotal




Suppose you received a suspicious file by email and doubt whether to open it despite the installed antivirus program and anti-malware protection. Save this file unopened and send it to VirusTotal for the check. Dozens of antivirus are better than one.




4. Downdetector




Are you having trouble with accessing to a popular web site? Don’t rush to call your provider. Try to figure out what’s going on using downdetector. They offer real-time information about outages from all kinds of services.




5. WaybackMachine




Are you feeling nostalgic for a website that is no longer on the web? WaybackMachine was created to sort this issue out. Remember: “Anything on the Internet stays there forever.”


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