
AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud: What’s the best cloud platform?

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud: What’s the best cloud platform?

The time for comparing cloud providers is here again. That’s why our team, Klik Solutions, has conducted extensive research to help you figure out which is the best cloud computing platform. With us as your Managed Services Provider, you’ll always have the Managed IT Services, IT Security Services, and IT Consulting that it takes to have successful Information technology outcomes. So stick with us and figure out which enterprise public cloud platforms will suit your company’s needs best.

What’s the best cloud platform? AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud comparison.

Google Cloud vs. Azure in 2020 - TIME BUSINESS NEWS To give you a clear image of Amazon Web Services vs Azure vs Google Cloud, we’ll need to point out the pros and cons of each and go from there. So, let’s dive right in. Here are the top pros and cons that will help us solve the Google Cloud Platform vs AWS vs Azure debate:

Amazon Web Services

12 years ago, Amazon became one of the first major cloud providers and even claims a stunning 33% of its market sector. These are its main strengths and weaknesses:   Pros:
  • Offers a wide range of network programs.
  • Versatile and customizable user environment.
  • Switching to the Amazon cloud is incredibly easy for end-users with pre-existing digital infrastructures.
  • This cloud option is constantly being optimized and enhanced.
  • Free storage plans are available.
  • Cost-effective pricing, expandible, deploys rapidly and supports large business operations.
  • Because they have so many network applications, small corporations can get overwhelmed easily.
  • While Amazon offers basic hybrid cloud solutions, it is not a priority for them.
  • If end-users utilize legacy, they will most likely endure longer migration downtime.

Google Cloud

As one of the newer cloud providers, Google has some considerable debugging to do. However, Google Cloud is still a high-ranking service because of its large data, machine learning, and analytic prospects. Pros:
  • Coincides with other Google services seamlessly and gracefully.
  • Strong data analytics, lighting I/O, and advanced storage.
  • Allows for simple and efficient collaborations.
  • Created for cloud-native businesses, great portability, and open-source capabilities.
  • Offers little control over Virtual Machines because most of its integrants rely on Google proprietary technology.
  • The programming language options are very limited.
  • Switching to another platform from google can be very rigorous.
  • Fewer features, services, and global data centers than the other two options.


Though it came after AWS, Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS rank similarly. By evolving to the structures of existing premises offerings, Azure was able to secure its spot in the cloud computing environment. Pros:
  • Maintains availability for its clients, implements cost-efficient plans, and offers scalable storage.
  • Takes secure cloud computing very seriously.
  • Secure IaaS and PaaS resources.
  • Hybrid cloud solutions and open-source support.
  • Is high maintenance and necessitates extensive platform expertise.
  • Seriously limited backward compatibility.
  • Relatively more expensive than other cloud vendors but offers pay-as-you-go plans at an additional rate.
  • Isn’t necessarily enterprise-ready and lacks effective customer service standards.
Now that we’ve discussed all of the advantages and disadvantages of each cloud platform, it’s time to move on to the topic of AWS vs Google Cloud vs Azure. Comparing three at the same time can get overwhelming. So, let’s start with:

Amazon AWS vs Microsoft Azure

Storage: Important key factors of cloud computing are storage, big data processing, and information stability. Because Amazon is one of the longest-standing cloud service providers, they take the cake on longest-running storage services. Luckily for Azure, they have also trademarked highly reliable storage features. Since both of these cloud platforms enable users access to REST API and service side data protection, they rank very highly in this sector. They each have symmetric storage standards under different names. For example, Azure has blob storage and AWS has S3 (Simple Storage Service). Price: Online repositories are intriguing for businesses because they offer maximum and expandable storage at a low premium. When it comes to AWS vs Azure vs Google in the pricing division, they all display pretty similar costs. Amazon and Microsoft hold similar pricing tactics because they both offer certain free services to their client base. The main difference between the two pricing packages are hourly and by-the-minute charges. AWS works at increased usage, meaning the more you use the less you pay, and they charge pay-as-you-go by-the-hour. Azure is less flexible than its competitor and offers pay-as-you-go by-the-minute or monthly fixed rates. Usability: A lot of newcomers to the cloud have one distinct question, which platform is easier to use. The simple answer is AWS is more friendly for novice users than any other cloud platform offered today. So, the clear winner of the Google App Engine vs AWS vs Azure usability debate is clearly, AWS. With an AWS versus Azure usability comparison, many have stated that Microsoft is way behind. Amazon offers a simplistic documentational flow and even provides users with online training materials. Now that we’ve broken it down by comparing Amazon and Microsoft, it’s time to compare all three:

Amazon Web Services vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud

Storage: Each of these platforms has its own storage model. These include Amazon’s S3, Azure’s Blob Storage, and Google’s Cloud Storage. All three of these storage services have a ton in common. Like their versioning, encryption at rest, and multi-layered security objectives. They also all have storage classes that outline your features and distinguish how much you’ll pay for your intended features. To be honest most of their storage methods are pretty similar, with price being the biggest differentiating factor. Price: When comparing Google’s prices to Microsoft and Amazon, Google is definitely the cheaper way to go. But is the low-cost worth the features you will, or won’t, be getting? These pricing differences are based on four tiers, General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, and Accelerated computing. We will talk more about this in the ‘Pricing Model for All Three’ section below. Usability: As mentioned previously, Amazon Web Services take the cake for usability and online learning. This is because they offer learning modules, documentation, and other tools to ensure their clients are using the system as efficiently as possible. This provided knowledge gives Amazon user’s a leg up on Azure and GCP users because the more you know about your cloud platform, the better you’re able to utilize it.

Pricing Model for All Three

To give you a better idea of what you’ll be paying with General Purpose, Compute Optimized, and Memory Optimized plans, we’ve created a pay as you go price model below (*Prices are valid as of April 14, 2022):
Processor Storage Size Price per hour based on instances
Types of Instances vCPU Memory (GB) AWS Azure GCP
General Purpose 2 8 $0.0928 $0.0850 $0.1070
4 16 $0.1856 $0.1700 $0.2140
8 32 $0.3712 $0.3390 $0.4280
Compute Optimized 2 4 $0.0850 $0.0850 $0.0813
4 8 $0.1700 $0.1690 $0.1626
8 16 $0.3400 $0.3380 $0.3253
Memory Optimized 2 16 $0.1330 $0.1330 $0.1348
4 32 $0.2660 $0.2660 $0.2696
8 64 $0.5320 $0.5320 $0.5393
At Klik Solutions, we know how confusing pricing models can be, so we’re here to give you a breakdown. This table is meant to show you the hourly price of your services by calculating purpose scope, processor size, memory usage, and provider. For example, if you’re using Azure for general purposes with 2 vCPU, and 8 gigs of memory, it will cost you about $0.0850 an hour. We understand that the service plans look pretty similar but there are a few factors you need to keep in mind when determining which platform is in your budget. The first thing to remember, though these plans look similar, when you go in-depth on services, they can all vary greatly. For example, many vendors offer discounts. This means that the actual calculated cost can be very different from the model provided here. If you’re seriously looking into one of these services and need to know which plan will work for you at a fixed price, we recommend visiting the vendor’s price calculation websites located below: Each of these websites allows you to pick the service you want, how often you want them, and will even let you provide your intended outcomes. Make sure to be as accurate as possible on these free quote surveys. By doing so, you will be provided with accurate, or almost accurate service rates.

How to Decide Which One is Right For Your Small to Larger Enterprise

The best way to determine which cloud platform is right for you is to determine the size of your company, what your cloud system will be used for, and the amount of your budget. If you’re working with a smaller company, only need a general-purpose scope, and have a limited budget then GCP is probably the best route for you. If your business is in need of a top-notch repository that can run at an enterprise level, provide you with teaching materials, and your pricing options aren’t limited, we recommend the long-standing champion, Amazon services. Not all IT companies are as transparent as us when it comes to pricing, features, and your requirements. So, we understand if you want to do the research yourself. By looking at our pros & cons, general service comparisons, and pricing models, you should have a better idea of what each service entails. The best way to make an informed cloud decision is to write down your scope, security needs, and budget after reading this article and go from there. Just like any decision, you need to know what you want, how you intend to use it, and what prospects fit your needs best. The Klik team is well aware of how hard it is to make a secure, affordable, and effective cloud decision. That’s why we offer cloud consulting services every day of the week! If you need help deciding which service is right for you, Klik here to schedule a consultation with a live specialist. If your questions are more generalized, call us today at 888-959-1196. We look forward to assisting you with all of your IT needs!

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