
Cloud-Based Analytics Tools

Cloud-Based Analytics Tools

Many are turning to the cloud for all kinds of software solutions. Data analytics is no exception. Cloud-based programs have some key benefits. They can provide you with real-time access to data culled from a variety of sources and integrate them in one place. They can allow for multiple users to view and interact with the data from multiple locations, even collaborating from across the globe. The data can be aggregated and disaggregated into reports that can be shared at the touch of a fingertip within the cloud. Additionally, cloud-based programs can save money on technical staffing, devices and other hardware, and storage options.

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There are many solid cloud-based analytics tools for you to choose from, but here are a few that are popping up as good choices in the market.

Microsoft Power BI


Is one of the well-known players in this field. It has powerful visualizations that can be set up on dashboards for use in real time, allowing you to make informed decisions for your business in real-time. It can integrate with other programs such as Excel and has Ai and machine learning built in. Because it is comprehensive in options, it can be a bit cumbersome to learn. Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium are the two versions available, but you can also download a free version with limited uses.

Zoho Analytics

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Has cloud-based and on-premises options. Like other tools, it has the capability to pull data from a variety of data sources that can easily be integrated into the tool. Data displays are great for quick insights and is best suited for smaller business operations. It does incorporate AI and machine learning to support decision-making and data exploration. You can get basic, standard, premium, and enterprise versions as well as a free plan.


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Has powerful visualizations that can be displayed on a dashboard in real time as well. With both on-premises and cloud-based options, the data can be integrated from multiple sources for simple or complex data exploration. As is true with many of the more commonly used platforms, it has AI and machine learning capabilities, enhancing the data exploration experience. Data displays also have the ability to drill down into the details for deeper looks and what the display is showing. It will work for businesses of all sizes.


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Is another tool that integrates data from a variety of sources with real-time data customizable on dashboards. It is user-friendly and offers templates as well as customizable data display and dashboard options. It also has alerts and notifications for updates. It has iOS and Android options. You will have to contact their sales team directly for pricing options, but a free 30-day trial is available for you to download.

As cloud-based solutions are growing in use and popularity, you won’t be lacking for options. Think about what your specific data needs are now and what options might be best scalable for your needs down the road. Of course, the cost is always a consideration as you search for what tools will give you the most bang for your buck. The complexity of your needs will also steer you towards some platforms over others. Explore your options and make the most informed decision for your company’s size, budget, and data needs.

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