
Women in Tech: Liz Haslup’s Journey and Insights

Women in Tech: Liz Haslup’s Journey and Insights

Dr. Seuss in his famous book, Oh, The Places You’ll Go wisely quips: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” This has never been more true than for Liz Haslup’s unlikely journey into the world of tech. 

Liz was a classroom teacher and district administrator for a combined 37 years.  During that time, she read professional materials voraciously while using her writing skills and talents to develop lesson plans and curricular materials, provide professional development activities for her teachers, apply for large and small state and federal grants, and manage the fiscal needs of her area. Not all of these skills were ones she aspired to when she was graduating from Towson with a degree in Elementary Education back in the 80s.  But the more you learn, the more places you’ll go.  

Diving Deep into the Tech Pool!

Liz’s interest in technology was kindled long before the internet and computers became ubiquitous. Growing up in an era devoid of these advancements, she witnessed firsthand the tech revolution over the past two decades. As an educator, Liz embraced the use of computers with a “hand-me-down” Apple IIe with a dot matrix printer.  It was life-changing and allowed me to utilize that “fluff” course of personal typing at a whole new level!  

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Over her career, she saw many technological changes – overheads were replaced with interactive SmartBoards. Hard copy images, public television, and film strips were replaced with reel-reel movies and videotape, which were eventually replaced with DVDs and a multitude of digital media.  Record players and radios were replaced by MP3 players, iPods, and CDs. Dictionaries and encyclopedias, books, and professional journals were replaced with this massive resource – THE INTERNET. Notebooks were replaced with desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.  The technological revolution was in full swing!

However, while many were nervous to jump into the tech pool, Liz was an early adopter. Whenever something new came onto the scene, she jumped at the chance to try it out, seeing what it could do to engage her students and make her work more productive and efficient. Seeing the way technology could enhance (and also detract from) what happens in the classroom was an eye-opening experience and one she embraced fully and with care.

Retirement Just “Klik-ed”

When she contemplated retirement, she always wondered. “What will I do with myself? How will I keep my brain engaged? Won’t I miss this work?” Despite these reservations in the back of her mind, she took the plunge in the summer of 2022 and hasn’t looked back. One key reason for this…a new challenge.  Working in the field of tech!

Liz’s journey with Klik Solutions began in September of 2022. “I had never heard of Klik Solutions or Klik Digital until then. I knew someone working there, and they were looking for someone with a strong background in written English to assist with editing and writing for their digital marketing side.” It was intriguing and had several features that drew her to take the job.  

First, it was in the field of tech and digital marketing, both areas new and an opportunity to use her skills in a new way. “I started small…just doing some editing work. The role has evolved. I am now writing blog posts, and video blogs, editing, researching, writing ebooks, and integrating new skills in digital marketing. I’m excited to learn something new! “

Working remotely and part-time allows Liz to balance her love for reading and writing with her professional responsibilities. “I enjoy working remotely and part-time. It helps me keep my brain engaged and continue doing something I’ve always loved—reading and writing.”

“My role in tech has changed significantly,” Liz reflects. “I’m not just a consumer of tech now. I use it and write about it. I research and write about how our company helps manage other companies’ technology. I’m also delving into emerging technological advances and what they mean for businesses across industries and sizes.”

Overcoming Challenges

Being a woman in tech sometimes comes with challenges. Over the years, Liz has encountered the stereotype that women are less knowledgeable about technology. “One challenge I have faced as a user of technology is the assumption that I don’t know why my technology isn’t doing what I want it to do. If I have tech issues, I usually take several steps to resolve issues before contacting support. However, tech support often starts from the basics, which can be a bit insulting, although I understand they have scripts to follow. I just know a little more than some other callers.”

Another significant challenge was the steep learning curve associated with some of the tech topics Liz has to write about. “When I first started, I didn’t know the differences between SSDs and Host Bus Adapters. It required a lot of self-directed learning and research to understand some concepts deeply enough to write about them effectively. This learning curve can, at times, be daunting but it’s also rewarding.”

Embracing the Perks

Despite the challenges, Liz appreciates the perks of being a woman in tech. She enjoys staying ahead of the curve and learning about the latest advancements in devices, software, storage, AI, and automation. “I get to learn about all the cool new stuff coming onto the tech scene long before my peers do. It’s pretty cool.”

Liz Haslup’s journey into the field of tech has been a reminder of the importance of lifelong learning and adaptability. “I consider myself a lifelong learner. I’m enjoying the opportunity to use my skills in an area of interest,” Liz muses.  “I know I’ll never stop learning, but it makes me wonder where I’ll end up next!”

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